I can' t decide if I should start a new blog. My original blog was meant to track my experiences of going back to grad school to become more proficient as a digital designer and practictioner. Now, I feel like I have a focus on 'story' and want to create a blog that deals specifically with story in the digital age. In some ways, a blog is a good way to keep track of a thesis or dissertation, especially if you're working on an idea over a period of time. I guess that's what's encouraging me to create a new blog, to have a space to explore all of my story ideas. I'm worried though that if I start a new blog how will I manage more than one blog. I still don't know how people read more than one blog, but blogging daily is a real challenge.
Blog on! I'll create another blog - teach story. That's going to be the name of my web site also. I was sketching out my site for my Visual Culture and Design final project last night. I decided that a chalkboard motif will work best for the design metaphor. It conveys my teaching background. On the chalkboard, it will say in 'teach story' and then under the Agenda off to the right it will say my story, resume, contact. my story will be my portfolio, which I'm going to do as a choose your own adventure story. I might add something to the chalkboarrd to convey a digital storytelling emphasis, maybe a chord coming out of the side of the chalkboard or a maybe another layer behind it showing a circuit board. Either way, the hardest thing will be deciding if I should try and do this in Flash or just stick with Dreamweaver. I don't know either them well, so it's going to be hard either road I travel.